there are many comments from 19th century commentators and not much in the way of quotes from modern-day Bible scholars and their works.
Of course not, for two reasons:
1. The WTS appointed itself as God's exclusive channel of Biblical interpretation, so it'd be contradictory if they considered other sources as authoritative. The boys in writing might contradict themselves in other respects, but they will never grant any authority whatsoever to modern mainstream scholars.
2. Virtually no one today, except the most fundamentalists exegets (which I wouldn't call scholars) believe such things as: literallity of most accounts in Genesis, book of Daniel not being written during the Macabean period, the four gospels being based on first-hand accounts, miracles, Revelation as a profetic book, etc, etc, etc.
Witnesses have no idea what modern biblical studies are about. They are the perfect example of the sad combination of arrogance and ignorance.